Full Parent Involvement
It is our desire to build relationships, not only between our children, but between the parents as well. We also want to keep the load as evenly spread as possible. The way that we do that is by requiring that a parent always be there when the child is there. There may be exceptions granted for medical and emergency situations.
Rotating Periods
We use a rotating schedule. This means that each parent will be lead teacher one period, assistant teacher in one period, and the other period you will enjoy time in the break room with other adults. Some exceptions can be made for special situations.
Teaching Teams
We try to have in each class at least two teachers. This helps with continuity if one teacher must be gone for a week. Also, you have someone to plan with so that the burden of what to do is never on your shoulders alone.

Here is a basic example of what our day looks like.
We do not subscribe to a specific curriculum. Instead, we allow teachers to explore their and their students' interests within the guidelines for their subject. Some of our guidelines include, keeping it inexpensive, fun, and interactive between students. We do not recommend homework for any of the classes except teens.