Amazingly, over half of the Fall 2014 semester is over! It has been a great semester. The co-op is now large enough that even when there are many absent, every class still functions. We are seeing exciting new things this semester. I see several moms hanging out in the nursery chatting. Another group of parents spend their break chatting and watching the teens and I play in the gym. We are excited to see the play coming together for drama class, and the songs from the recorders in music class are getting better every week. I personally love seeing how the growing teen class is bringing these almost adults out of their shells. The most exciting thing of all is how the new addition of an all class presentation night is coming together. We are so excited to announce that on the Friday evening following our last class, we will have displays of art, performances of drama, music, and dance. We will also have photos from the other classes to showcase what every class has done this semester. My teen class will even make commercials and hors d'oeuvre for audience to enjoy. This would be a great time to visit and see what we are all about. We will even have a book exchange in the back, since we are all very passionate about reading. If you would like to come to this presentation night, email us, or use our visiting form on the "sign-up" page. If you think that you might want to join the co-op next semester, it would be great to visit this semester so that you already know whether or not you want to commit, before the next semester starts.